TITLE: Speech Therapist
1. A Master’s Degree from an approved/certified institution in speech therapy.
- A Maryland teaching certificate as a speech therapist or proven eligibility.
- Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.
REPORTS TO: Principal
JOB GOAL: To work with students who have identified speech and language disabilities.
- Provides a therapeutic program to meet individual needs for speech and language services to identified students.
- Assists and guides teachers in observing, describing, and referring suspected and identified speech and language disabilities.
- Provides a thorough assessment and diagnosis of speech, voice, and language disabilities.
- Provides screening at regular intervals and at specified levels.
- Provides appropriate individualized programs of intervention to meet individual students’ needs.
- Collaborates with classroom teachers and other school staff members to implement modifications and adaptations.
- Provides information to parents and families when appropriate.
- Provides inservice education and serves as a consultant to teachers and school staff members on topics concerning speech and language disabilities.
- Keeps thorough records for individual students as required by special education policies and procedures.
- Develops Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.’s) as required and follows all local, state, and federal regulations relative to students with disabilities.
- Other duties as assigned.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Exempt position. Ten month year. Salary to be established by the Board.
EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board’s policy on evaluation of certificated personnel.